광고주 세부 정보

ID: 86798
소개: 소개
보고서 반환 기간 3시간~5시간
최신 유효 데이터 90天
승인 기간 30.00일 후에 광고를 클릭하여 소유한 수수료를 승인합니다.
조건 U_id 길이 200 스마트 링크 지원
환불 지원 유사 도메인 지원되지 않음
제한된 키워드

모바일 지원되지 않음
광고주 링크 카테고리 일반 링크
스마트 링크
자세한 내용

For Mollis, fashion is more than just clothes. It is a tool designed to inspire women to be confident and successful. We strive to be not only your choice among other clothing brands, but also a style platform that helps you express your identity. Our goal is to help women and girls feel sensual, elegant, confident and comfortable in any situation."
Advantages for buyers: "– 24/7 acceptance of online orders for mollis.ru
- Convenient payment methods, including payment in Shares and Payment from brand partners
- Convenient and free (during promotions) delivery
- Constant notification of the order status
- Informing about the receipt of models by subscription about the availability of goods
- Free receipt of an order from any amount of branded retail stores of the network
- Easy return by mail and in retail stores of the network
- Quick feedback: free hotline
- The customer care department will always help with the selection and ordering, and if there are difficulties, it will help to solve them
- Each model is available in a limited edition. Having our own factories gives us the opportunity to fully control the process and production time, as well as produce additional collections and renew popular models.
- High quality products (each product is carefully checked before shipment). "
Advantages for webmasters: "- High% commission
- Monthly update of collections
- The average number of items in the order is 1.6
- Average check: 10,000 rubles.
- Large volume of orders, redeemability – 80%"

Target audience: %
Men 0
Women 100

Age %
18-24 10
25-34 45
35-44 35
The other 10

Regions %
Moscow and Moscow Region 65
Saint Petersburg 35

Device type %
mobile+tablet 90
desktop 10

지원 지역


최근 공지사항(지난 6개월)

날짜 공지 유형 제목